All students need an inclusive, supportive space to learn and navigate different challenges—both in the classroom setting and outside of it. This is especially valuable in remote or hybrid learning environments, where social cues may be harder to detect. At BettFest 2021, an annual global event held virtually this year, educators discussed the importance of creating open communication with students to better understand their social and emotional health.

That’s the idea behind Reflect, a free app coming this spring to Microsoft Teams, that uses polling to help educators strengthen relationships with students and gain insight into their well-being. Reflect, which will also integrate with Education Insights, enables educators to share questions designed to support social and emotional learning. These can be specific questions like, “How are you feeling about the material we covered today?” or more routine check-ins like, “how did this week feel for you?” Educators can customize poll settings for different topics and privacy preferences.

The polls, which can be added to a class team, allow educators to open a dialogue with students, invite them to share their feelings, and offer the support students need to be creative and confident learners. With Reflect, the school community can foster connection, empathy, and community-building communication by reaching out and inviting students and colleagues to express themselves regularly.

Learn more about Reflect and other Teams features that were highlighted at BettFest 2021. If your school does not already have Microsoft Teams, don’t miss out—sign up for free today.