School may be out for summer, but learning doesn’t have to end! We offer a wide variety of solutions and resources that students and families can use to stay engaged in learning all summer long. Whether students have access to their Teams for Education account or their family’s Microsoft 365 account, there are many fun ways to avoid the summer slip. This year, we have created a free, summer-long learning game, Leaps and Logs, that allows kids to challenge a friend, neighbor, family member, or themselves by completing fun learning tasks.

In this game, students complete challenge tasks from a variety of categories including English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Coding, and Arts/Music. Then they share what they learned or created with other players or a family member, extending learning a step further!

Tasks can be completed by students of most ages (age 8 or older recommended). Whether students code a game in Microsoft MakeCode or create a family or neighborhood newspaper in Microsoft Word, these learning tasks can take a varied length of time to complete. Kids can complete one or two rounds of play a day, extending their game play throughout the summer.

Students using Microsoft MakeCode

Students using Microsoft MakeCode

Two ways to play

Leaps and Logs can be played digitally or on paper (with access to a device for embedded task links). Full game directions can be found by downloading Leaps and Logs.

Playing digitally

  1. Download the game board and task lists and upload them as a document into Microsoft Whiteboard. To upload, select “New Whiteboard” then select “Document” from the side panel. Find the Leaps and Logs Summer Learning Game file that was downloaded, then select all pages.
  2. Change the title of the whiteboard to Summer Learning Game by selecting the dropdown arrow next to “Whiteboard” and typing in the text box. When renaming is complete, select the checkmark in the text box to save your new title.
  3. In the whiteboard, select shapes or upload images from the side panel to use as moveable game pieces.
  4. Roll one die using this digital dice roller. Be sure to unselect Dice 2 and Dice 3 to roll just one die.

GIF of opening Microsoft Whiteboard and uploading the Summer Learning Game board

GIF of opening Microsoft Whiteboard and uploading the Summer Learning Game board

Playing on paper

  1. Download and print the game board. The challenge tasks can also be printed, but students will need a digital version to access the embedded links.
  2. Assign players game pieces or small objects to move around the printed game board.
  3. Use one six-sided die (or this digital dice roller) to determine the number of spaces to move.
  4. Ensure that the gameboard and pieces are kept in a safe place where they won’t be moved or use a pencil to mark where each player ended their turn.

How to share with kids

Whether school is still in session or students have already left for the year, here are some ways educators and schools can share the Leaps and Logs Learning Game with students and families.

  • Share the link to this blog post with families at end of the year events.
  • Post information about the game on a classroom website, school social media page, or Teams for Education announcement.
  • Provide students with a printed copy of the game and instructions on how to access Leaps and Logs.
  • Add the link to this blog post to your classroom or school newsletter.
  • Help kids begin game play as individuals, in pairs, or small groups to kick things off.

Keep learning going and kids entertained this summer with our free Leaps and Logs Learning Game!